About Wise Help Marketing Services


It's a brand created by Vanessa Boonstra Intriago, who is passionate about the increasingly dominant digital world in day-to-day life. Her experience in business and in digital marketing enable her to think creatively by fusing multiple areas of knowledge and incorporating the idea of collaboration into her work.  


Areas of knowledge & Collab


The areas of knowledge and expertise are in e-learning, strategic consultancies, digital marketing and communication and HR marketing while the area of collaboration is in digital marketing and communications. You can fill out the form and email it to us if you want to collaborate. After that, we may connect online to get to know one another and figure out how we can collaborate if a project in this area come about.


Does collaboration sound appealing to you?

Let me blow your mind!

When you collaborate, you can recommend a more knowledgeable and skilled collaborator to your clients and complete a project together more efficiently. You bring the fries, I bring the ketchup and voilà!

Besides better assisting clients with their needs, you support a creative community of creative workers and companies. 

You can also share resources like interesting websites, marketing tools or programs to do tasks faster. These resources are usually challenging to design, but they may be instantly accessible through collaborative relationships.